Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Welcome To Restu Kids

Dear parents,

Warmest of welcomes to Restu Kids for the academic year 2009.



Ibnu Sina & Ibnu Khaldun





~Ice breaking

~Getting to know the students.

~Students are divided into 2 classes after brief assessments and evaluation.


The swimming lesson will be held on Wednesday, 14 January 2009. It would be most grateful if you could ensure your child is wearing their swimming suit, goggles, swimming cap (for girls), towel and the necessary toiletries. Venue : No. 12, Jalan Jendela U8/20A, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.

Syukran Yazilan!

Please do not hesitate to e-mail me should you need any further information. I will try to reply as soon as I can. Most importantly, I hope to work with you to give your child the best possible. Last but not least, let’s look forward to another enjoyable and fruitful year ahead.

Roshalina Baharuddin

Eid Adha

Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى‘Īdu l-’Aḍḥā) "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Bairam" is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims (including the Druze) worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God. However, God provided a ram in place once Ibrahim demonstrated his willingness to follow God's commands.

Eid al-Adha is the latter of two Eid festivals celebrated by Muslims, whose basis comes from the Quran.[1] (Muslims in Iran celebrate a third, non-denominational Eid.) Like Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha begins with a short prayer followed by a sermon (khuṭba).

Eid al-Adha annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja (ذو الحجة) of the lunar Islamic calendar. The festivities last for three days or more depending on the country. Eid al-Adha occurs the day after the pilgrims conducting Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. It happens to be approximately 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan.

Don't punish your children very often or very harshly!

Punishment is always harmful to the child even if it seems to achieve the parent's goal. It is impossible to punish your child without harming him/her. Research studies in child development have consistently shown that among the undesirable side effects of punishment are:
  1. The child will try to escape from or retaliate (fight) against the punishing situation.
  2. The child will have negative feelings toward whoever punishes him/her.
  3. Punishment usually remains effective only when the possibility of punishment is clearly present.
  4. And, very importantly, punishing a child teaches the child that using punishment is the right way to raise children so they are likely to use punishment with their children - thus perpetuating (continuing) forever the use of punishment in society.
The alternative to punishment should not be permissiveness (meaning to let your child do anything they want), if there is anything more harmful to the child's development than punishment it is permissiveness. The right alternative to punishment in raising a child is called "directed positive influence." Directed positive influence means to reward (with praise, your positive attention, or an occasional small gift) your child after they do things that are good and right, while gently providing correction when your child does wrong. In Islam if it becomes necessary to correct your child for some wrongdoing this must be done according to a certain rules:
  1. First, you should explain to your child in a gentle way how they have overstepped some limit from rightness into wrong, explain how their behaviour is not consistent with the Will of Allah and offer them guidance as to what Allah has told us is the right way to act.
  2. Second, if the gentle instruction does not result in the child correcting their wrong behaviour, you should indicate your disapproval of that wrong behaviour by withdrawing your favour (for example, do not give smiles, hugs or kind words to your child at such times).
  3. Third, and only as a last resort, your child can be physically punished (beaten) if they do not correct their wrong behaviour.
In Islam, while you are allowed to beat your child it is most certainly not encouraged. If it becomes necessary for you to beat your child there are specific rules and limitations:
  1. You may not hit your child on the face or stomach.
  2. You may not hit your child more than a maximum of three times.
  3. And, you may not hit your child hard enough to leave a cut or bruise on the skin.
Additionally, You should never hit your child when you are angry. Not only are you then more likely to become excessive in your punishment, but doing so will teach your child that it is right to hit people when they are angry. It is important to realize that if you reach a point where you feel it is necessary to beat your child then something has gone badly wrong, and you previously have not done all you could have done to avoid this becoming necessary. Since it is a fact of learning that you cannot punish a child without harming him/her, so punishment can only become necessary if you have no positive alternative, and the good that comes from being punished will outweigh the harm you do to your child. Remember, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never once in his life hit a child, a woman or a servant.

Allah's guidance to mankind

From the beginning of time, when Adam (Peace be upon him) was created , Allah has guided mankind. The very nature of mankind is inclined towards weakness and desires - a combination of the body, mind and spirit that are constantly in conflict. If left to himself, man will certainly destroy all that lies around him. Being prone to greed, pride, aggression and all that is base, if left unguided, the human being descends to the state of being less than an animal. Indeed, animals, like everything else in nature, willingly submit to the laws of nature as provided by Allah. On the other hand, often if left unhindered by environmental or educational influences, the human being, will naturally seek Allah; truth and peace. Indeed the human being is a complex being!

Allah says in the Qur'an,
"Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould),
Then reduced him to the lowest of the low,
Save those who believe and do righteous deeds, then they shall have a reward without end (Paradise)."
(Sura At Tin 95:4-6)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome to Restu Kids

Dear parents,

Warmest of welcomes to Restu Kids for the academic year 2009.



Ibnu Sina & Ibnu Khaldun





~Ice breaking

~Getting to know the students.

~Students are divided into 2 classes after brief assessments and evaluation.


The swimming lesson will be held on Wednesday, 14 January 2009. It would be most grateful if you could ensure your child is wearing their swimming suit, goggles, swimming cap (for girls), towel and the necessary toiletries. Venue : No. 12, Jalan Jendela U8/20A, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.

Syukran Yazilan!

Please do not hesitate to e-mail me should you need any further information. I will try to reply as soon as I can. Most importantly, I hope to work with you to give your child the best possible. Last but not least, let’s look forward to another enjoyable and fruitful year ahead.

Roshalina Baharuddin

Coming Soon: Al-Quran & Terjemahan

Memahami makna serta bahasa Al-Quran dengan MUDAH & BERKESAN



Friday, January 2, 2009

Try to notice as many good things your children do as possible!!!

As soon as possible after your child does something good comment on that thing (be specific as to what the good thing was), and give your child praise for having done that good thing. Example - Your young daughter falls, hurts her knee, and begins crying. Your son seeing this goes over to his little sister, helps her get back up, and comforts her. Having observed all this take place you go up to your son right away and say something like,
    "I saw you help you sister get up after she fell and then tried to make her feel better. That was really nice of you to do. I feel good to have a son who loves his sister so much."
Also say to your son,
    "Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will be very pleased with you for helping your sister."
Things to remember...
  1. Give the praise as soon as possible after the good deed.
  2. Say specifically what the good deed was.
  3. Give the praise sincerely and in a loving manner.
  4. Have variety in how you give praise, don't always say the same thing.
NOTE – Notice how in the above example the praise given had three parts. First the mother told her son what he did was a nice thing to do, second she told him how it made her feel good, and third she took the opportunity to let him realize how much he loves his little sister.

Suggested Global Islamic Calendar

A Suggested Global Islamic Calendar based on Imkan-e-Ru'yah (sighting possibility) somewhere in the world is that if the moon is born before 12:00 UT [23:59 or less of the previous day at International Date Line (IDL)], then the month begins at sunset of that day everywhere in the world. If the moon is born after 12:00 UT, then the month begins on the next day's sunset everywhere. IDL has been universally accepted even by Muslims as the beginning of every day of the week. All Muslims pray Friday prayers on the same day starting at IDL. Global Islamic Calendar should also follow the same convention of the day, so that the whole world can start Ramadan or Eid on the same day.

The moon born before 12:00 UT has Imkaan-e-Ru'yah somewhere on earth, and the moon is born before the day begins at IDL, so the whole world can start the month on the same day. This suggested Global Islamic Calendar is so easy to calculate for any ordinary Muslsim that no expertise of astronomy or science is required. All that is needed is Conjunction time which is easily available from many sources on the Internet. This suggested Global Islamic Calendar was also discussed at 1st Global Calendar Meeting in Morocco, November 2006 attended by representatives from various Islamic countries. People started understanding the importance of Global Islamic Calendar. See one web site "Time & Strategy".

Bento Art